Awarua Synergy believes everyone deserves to be warm.

09 July 2024

This winter the team is helping whanau in need in our community by supporting Jubilee Budget Advisory Service in giving their team valuable information and advice around heating their homes.

Awarua Synergy General Manager Sumaria Beaton-Sikisini said Awarua Synergy had winter warmth products they were donating to Jubilee to share with their clients.

“Invercargill’s Jubilee team is now equipped with home energy-saving knowledge after Awarua Synergy’s training. They’ll share these tips to help residents stay warm, dry, and healthy this winter,” she said.

Operations Manager of Jubilee Budget Advisory service, Caitlin Baker, said this time of year can be difficult for people who may already be under financial pressure.

“Like us, Awarua Synergy is all about giving practical advice relating to Energy Hardship and respecting the true needs of our community. We are so pleased to be able to share their winter warmth products and to have our team learn this crucial information that we can pass to our clients,” Caitlin said.

Working with Jubilee was the perfect fit, Sumaria said.


“At Awarua Synergy we know that sometimes heating your home can mean another bill that might be hard to pay but we also know how important having a warm dry house is to our community’s health and wellbeing,” she said.


“The good news doesn’t stop there! We have resources to help you access subsidies and discounts to stay warm this winter. Want to learn more? Free workshops are available for workplaces and community groups – contact our team!” Sumaria said.

Awarua Synergy provides free, unconditional home energy health checks throughout the region. They also talk people through ways to make sure they are getting value for money as well as finding ways to help heat their homes and keep them warm, she said.


Sumaira Beaton-Sikisini, Awarua Synergy (left) gifting blankets, wool, hotties and PJs to Caitlin Baker Jubilee Budget Services (right)

 Sumaira Beaton-Sikisini, Awarua Synergy training the Jubilee team

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