Healthy Homes Workshops
09 July 2024
It’s well past mid-winter and those of us in the Deep South have felt every single degree drop. What’s more, cost of living has risen sharply, making most of us think twice before we turn on that heater.
Lucky for us, we have Awarua Synergy on our side.
Awarua Synergy, led by General Manager Sumaria Beaton-Sikisini, are the right people to talk to if you want winter warming solutions.
These are things that can be done right now that will absolutely make a difference to how your house feels, ensuring the rest of the winter is spent in a warm and healthy home.
Awarua Synergy offers free Healthy Homes workshops for workplaces and community groups that are packed with practical, low cost, common-sense tips and tricks to change the way your house, and your whanau, lives and breathes.
Sumaria recently gave a talk to volunteers from the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), helping them better understand the services Awarua Synergy provides so that they, in turn, can give valuable advice to members of the community.
Sumaria talked attendees through managing moisture, creating thermal envelopes, the different kinds of heat and how your power bill is split up, explaining everything in her cheerful and engaging manner.
CAB Learning and Development facilitator Anne McCracken said the talk was most helpful.
“It will help our volunteers when a client calls in with queries,” she said.
Sumaria said the team at Awarua Synergy knows that sometimes heating your home can mean another bill that might be hard to pay, but they also know how important having a warm dry house is to our community’s health and wellbeing.
“Awarua Synergy provides free, unconditional home energy health checks throughout the
region. We also talk people through ways to make sure they are getting value for money, as
well as finding ways to help heat their homes and keep them warm,” Sumaria said.
“We also have resources to help you access subsidies and discounts to stay warm this winter,”
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