Saving on your Power Bills

07 February 2015
Saving on your Power Bills

Let your energy work smarter, not harder

Power bills always seem to be on the rise, and it sometimes seems like we’re at the mercy of the power companies. But, it doesn’t have to be that way – you can get power over your power bill. With Awarua Synergy’s great range of more eco-friendly power saving solutions, you can reduce your power consumption – or even take steps to generate your own power!

Our team of home energy and insulation experts has already helped more than 5000 Deep South homes get better control of their power bills. It’s not just about energy-efficient heating – it’s about ensuring your home is best set up to capture and retain the heat you generate, so it doesn’t escape outdoors through the floors, windows, roof or other gaps. Whatever your budget, we’ve got the right solutions to help you make immediate savings, and ‘future proof’ your power bill for the coming years.

Get power over your power bill – chat to your expert team at Awarua Synergy on 0800 WARM SOUTH for your FREE, unconditional home energy health check!

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