Getting Your Home Winter Ready

04 May 2021

There’s actually no better time to start preparing to lose the kw’s from that Winter weight than now. Planning ahead is essential, and we want to be the ones to help you get your home ready for what is likely to be another chill-filled Southland Winter. Here’s some tips to get you on track to achieving a healthier home, farm or business environment.


When it comes to keeping a space warm and dry, insulation is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. First and foremost, New Zealand healthy home standards recommend tackling the ceiling insulation before anything else. It’s no secret that hot air rises, so making sure your ceiling is well insulated is going to really help with preventing any of that warm air you have circulating around your home or work space from escaping out and going to waste. It’s also one of the cheapest and most effective ways to put a stop to runaway heat. Once you’ve got that sorted with the advice of our skilled team at Awarua Synergy, then we can start to look at options for insulating your walls and underflooring.


There’s no doubt about it, heat pumps are the gift that keeps on giving. Unlike some heating solutions, all it takes is a push of a button and a bit of temperature adjustment to feel the immediate benefits. One of the other bonuses a heat pump provides is that they also work as a cooling device, so you can make the most of them all year round. The New Zealand Government has recognised their brilliance, and depending on your situation, may even provide a subsidy to help cover the cost of getting one installed at your place. When used properly, they can be a super efficient way to cut energy costs without compromising on warmth. Warmer Kiwi Homes has a list of approved heat pump models that the grant covers. To see if you qualify for the financial assistance or get advice on the right heat pump for your home, get in touch with our team today.


Energy efficiency and sustainable heating systems go hand in hand. The massive moves forward in Solar Photovoltaic (Solar PV) technology provide a real opportunity for keeping spaces, especially farms, warm and dry. If you’ve thought about generating your own energy, you’re heading in a positive direction. With our longer days and hotter temperatures in the Deep South, it’s an ideal time to start making the most of the Summer weather. The team at Awarua Synergy are experts in helping farmers, as well as businesses and homeowners, find the right solar powered solutions that consistently generate the kind of power you want and need.

If in doubt, contact the friendly team at Awarua Synergy today on 0800 WARM SOUTH and we’ll set you on the right track.

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