Keeping your Home Healthy All Year Round

28 December 2020

Can’t quite put your finger on what’s bringing the chill and damp inside?

Whether it’s your first home or a 30 year investment, there are plenty of simple tips and tricks to keeping your home healthy –  especially during those chilly Southland months. From opening windows to making use of your household fans, it doesn’t take a lot to prevent the mould and cold from making its way inside.


One of the easiest and most effective things you can do is open your doors and windows for at least 10 minutes each day. When we lock up too often, it gives moisture the perfect opportunity to sneak its way in –  that’s why regularly keeping the house ventilated for a little amount of time is so important. While it may be hard to believe, the best time to do this is actually when your house is warm. Doing so when it’s cold does still work, however warm air carries moisture out of the room more effectively. Leaving cupboards slightly open can also help with keeping mould off your clothes and linen, as can using extractor fans in your kitchen and bathroom when they’re in use.


Don’t dry your washing inside. We know, during the wet weather it can be hard to avoid but it’s another really effective way to avoid dampness. Drying clothes and towels inside creates  a breeding ground for mould, dust mites and other organisms which would like nothing more than to make the moisture in your home their home. While it may feel like a better option than constantly running your dryer or taking the time to hang it on the line, the health benefits for your family and your home are worth giving it up for.


Unflued gas heaters are an infamous source of moisture and condensation. Because they have no flue or chimney to carry the combustion products outside or away, not only do the toxic fumes contribute to a range of health problems, the mould they produce can make for one very sick home dweller. Invest in a cleaner heating appliance such as a flued gas heater, heat pump central heating or an electric heater to keep that air circulating.

Having proper insulation in your home means it’ll help keep the house to the desired temperature all year round, and you’ll be protected from excess cold in winter or too much heat in the summer months.


If you’ve had a read of the tips and tricks and you’re still not sure what to  do, contact the team at Awarua Synergy today to book in a complimentary healthy homes assessment with one of our expert staff.

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