We’re Off To The Southland Home Show!

16 June 2021

This time last year we attended the Southland Home Show after two false starts due to Covid-19 restrictions – it’s crazy to think how far we’ve come. While we know the virus is still very much a real thing for all of us, we’re so excited to be heading to the show again on June 26-27 with a little bit more assurance we’re going to be able to meet with our valued customers, new ones, and our community face-to-face in one place.


Every year, thousands of Southlanders and out-of-towners flock to ILT Stadium Southland for one of the biggest showcases of building, home and living the region has seen. From home appliances to spa pools, roofing solutions and more, there’s so much to explore over the two-day event. It all started in 1996 and has grown hugely since with more stalls and more to see and do every year. It gives Southlanders a chance to find all the solutions they need in one place while connecting with the businesses in their community.


Our team at Awarua Synergy are stoked to be hosting a stand again so we can meet with people and share information about the services we offer. Ever since we started over 15 years ago, our mission has remained the same – to make Southland homes warm, dry and healthy. During that time we also expanded our services to provide energy solutions to farms and businesses too, a move we’re really proud of and grateful to be doing. If you’re interested in what we can do for you, bring along some questions and we’ll be more than willing to answer them and put you on the right track to a warmer Winter.


“We can’t wait to see you there and tell you all about Awarua Synergy. Come on down and film a video testimonial with us and we’ll give the first 10 people a $100 pressie card on the spot!’’ – Awarua Synergy Customer Advocate Jackie Bragg

Want to get in contact before the event? Talk to one of our friendly, experienced staff by phoning 0800 WARM SOUTH and we’ll get you sorted.

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