Bluff Marae Progresses towards being more Energy Efficient

08 April 2016

Proudly on the road to energy efficiency

Bluff Marae with a worker helping with energy efficiency

The next part of the longterm Marae Energy Efficiency plan progress is underway, just this week the team at Awarua Synergy have installed a small scale Wind Turbine at Te Rau Aroha Marae in Bluff, Southland, over the next few weeks the electrical work will be completed.  

The small scale turbine is part of a larger energy-efficient plan that started a few years back, the initial plan started with insulation, then replacing old fan heaters with heat pumps, replacing lighting with LEDs, solar PV, and now part installation of the wind turbine is being implemented. 

The Bluff Marae has over 10,000 visitors every year resulting in a large energy bill, the introduction of these systems will reduce these high costs.

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