Heating Subsidies may cover the majority of your insulation install costs

31 October 2019
Heating Subsidies may cover the majority of your insulation install costs

Get affordable heating through government heating subsidies

31 October 2019

Having a warm home is comfortable for many people. But warm homes also provide many tangible benefits to the people living in them. Along with a lower power bill, there are many health benefits for keeping a warmer home as well, and at Awarua Synergy, our goal is to keep you and your home warm and comfortable.

With a combination of subsidies from Warmer Kiwi Homes and the Southland Warm Homes Trust, the cost of having a warm home by adding insulation or an efficient heat pump can be greatly reduced, and you’ll be able to feel the benefits right away.

Warm homes several health benefits

According to The Ministry of Social Development, having a home temperature of 18 to 21 degrees is ideal. Young children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable, as well as people who are sick or easily susceptible to illness. Having a warm home means immune systems are stronger and that the inhabitants are less likely to need to make a trip to the doctor.

Up to 92% of insulation cost can be covered for Southland homes

The first grant and the primary focus of Warmer Kiwi Homes is adding insulation. According to an NZ study (Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart Programme), for every dollar invested in insulation, there is a return of $5-$7 in health and energy benefits. Because insulation helps regulate home temperature, energy usage is reduced significantly by adding insulation. This means that adding insulation brings long-term savings and a lower power bill throughout the year. 

Warmer Kiwi Homes provides 67% of the cost of adding insulation to eligible, uninsulated homes. A further 25% for Southland homes specifically from the Southland Warm Homes Trust and has the same eligibility requirements, meaning an eligible property will get 92% off in total.

Heat pump installation subsidy

Along with the insulation subsidy, Warmer Kiwi Homes also has a programme in place for the installation of heat pumps, wood-burning, or pellet-burning heaters. Wood and pellet burners are not available in all areas, and only specific models of heat pumps are available under the programme. You can view a full list of eligible heat pump models here. This subsidy covers up to 67% of the cost of installing a new heater.

Am I eligible for heating subsidies?

Anyone who is the owner-occupier of a home and currently holds a community service card is automatically eligible. If you don’t have a community service card, you may still be eligible depending on where your home is located. If you own and live in the house, you can answer a few brief questions using the Warmer Kiwi Homes Eligibility tool to get an immediate answer.

If you’re eligible, we recommend booking an appointment with us right away because times fill up quickly. Once you schedule a visit, one of our experts will come to your property to prepare you for installing insulation or to help you choose the best heat pump for your needs. To get started and to have all of the benefits of a warm home for your family, book a free visit now.

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