Healthy Homes Initiative Referral

- GP
- Medical Centre’s
- Hospital’s
- Health Worker
- Family support person
- Home owner
- Insulation
- Heating
- Air purifier
- Curtains
- Bedding
- Draught proofing
***(Please note we can put forward any other cases that don’t fit the following, we can also access other subsidies)***
Southland Low-income families/whanau/aiga who meet the target population groups defined below, living in cold, damp, and unhealthy homes within your geographical area of coverage. Healthy homes services are for children aged 0-19-year, pregnant people/women (and their whanau living) within the designated geographical region who fit the below criteria.
There are four target population groups for the HHls (which need to meet additional criteria to be eligible for the service – see Appendix 1 for further detail).
• Group A: 0- to 5-year-olds hospitalised with specified housing-related indicator conditions.
• Group B: Priority population of 0 to 5-year-olds, all families/whanau/aiga with children aged 0 to 5-years-old for whom at least two of the following risk factors apply: Oranga Tamariki finding of abuse or neglect; caregiver with a corrections history; mother with no formal qualifications; long-term benefit receipt.
• Group C: Pregnant people/women and new-born babies.
• Group D: Rheumatic fever – including a child (0-14yrs) hospitalised overnight with an indicator condition (Hospital), a person in the house is eligible to receive monthly penicillin injections as a result of a past episode of rheumatic fever or three or more episodes of GAS pharyngitis within a household within a three-month period.
Healthy Homes Initiative: Five-Year outcomes evaluation
Housing is a key determinant of health, and this latest evaluation demonstrates the impact the Healthy Homes Initiative is having for referred whānau with significant health and social benefits five years after support, for example:
- a 18.6% decrease in hospitalisations per person (or 10,354 averted hospitalisations per year across 186,016 people)
- a 5% reduction in school absence for illness with children (with 5,309 more days in school per year across 57,626 children).
Find out more about the Healthy Homes Initiative and the 5 year outcomes evaluation.