Insulation & Smoke Alarms in All Rentals Properties

26 October 2016

New laws going into effect for rental properties

Woman in a blanket with a mug protected by smoke alarm

The government has announced it will be strengthening new residential tenancy laws.  The government want to see every NZ rental property insulated within four years.

Housing Minister Nick Smith announced plans to strengthen residential tenancy laws, including requirements for landlords to provide smoke alarms and insulation, and to declare the standard of insulation on tenancy agreements.

Our team is very excited about the new announcement as we see plenty of tenants living in poor, cold, damp conditions and are reliant on the landlord to go ahead with insulation.  This will make a huge difference to many families here in the Deep South struggling to warm their homes and keep their families warm and healthy.

In the near future, our team will able to install quality smoke alarms our local Fire Service recommend once we have been given full training on how to install them correctly.

We understand parts of the government have been trying to implement a type of Warrant of Fitness scheme for rental properties but due to the complexity, this hasn’t been implemented.  However, the latest news announced is a great start and will help many families here in the Deep South.

We are also pleased to be working closely with our local Invercargill Fire Service team.  We will be offering a service of supplying fire alarms and installing them with our insulation work.  The local fire service has kindly offered training for our installers and we will be using the same brand smoke alarm they use.

Beat the chill factor – chat to the expert team at Awarua Synergy today on 0800 WARM SOUTH for your FREE, unconditional home energy health check!

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