New Home Performance Advisors
10 December 2015

Great work Dave Tyagi and Michelle Collins!

Big congratulations to Dave Tyagi and Michelle Collins for achieving level two of the Home Performance Advisor Course.
HPA certification ensures our advisor’s service clients based on the core principles that, advice should be: independent, based on best practice and good science, personalised and in the best interests of the client. It ensures the highest level of competency and professional standards are met, and advice is delivered in an honest and ethical manner.
Southland residents can have confidence that when they engage with Awarua Synergy’s certified advisor’s they will get high quality, individualised advice, and be provided with a robust set of recommendations and actions to help improve the performance of their home and quality of their life.
Awarua Synergy has been providing home insulation and heating services to Southland residents for more than 10 years, Awarua Synergy delivers part of these services on behalf of the Southland Warm Homes Trust. “Our team have years of local experience and training, the latest Home Performance certification adds to the competency of our team members, we want to ensure the advice we give fits your unique needs within your home,” said Sumaria Beaton, Awarua Synergy General Manager.
HPA advisors have custom ID proving their accreditation. The Home Performance Advisor training programme was developed by not-for-profit leaders Beacon Pathway, Community Energy Network and The Enviroschools Foundation, through a collaborative initiative.