Putting An End To Condensation

07 July 2021

Whether it’s your farm building, home or business, condensation can cause problems anywhere. But the good thing is, it’s totally avoidable. Condensation is caused when a cold surface comes into contact with airflow. Whether it’s the foggy windows or the water dripping off them, there’s nothing about it that helps maintain a healthy home.


It can often be the first thing you wake up to on a chilly Southland winter morning but it also forms when the temperatures drop in the evening. If it isn’t dealt with when it immediately starts happening, it can encourage black mold to start growing throughout your building. This can have a severe impact on your respiratory system and is generally bad for your overall health.


If condensation has already made its way into your home, consider investing in a window cleaning tool to suck up the moisture. If you don’t have one, try thoroughly wiping down the surfaces to get rid of it.

Next, it’s onto prevention. Having a good heating system is one of the best ways you can avoid condensation. Dehumidifiers are a great solution for reducing the amount of humidity in your home or building, and work by pulling air through a fan and removing the amount of moisture in the air.

Making sure your home is heated evenly is also a must. Heat pumps are one of the easiest and most cost efficient systems you can put your money towards and in some cases, can be subsidised by the Government. If you want to know more about the Government subsidy and check whether you’re eligible, talk to our team at Awarua Synergy.

There are a lot of things you can do to avoid condensation without spending a cent. Keeping the doors of rooms you aren’t using closed is one. When cooking, avoid extra steam being released by keeping the lids on your pans and flick your extractor fan on while you’re cooking. If you don’t have one, open a window instead. Leaving a bedroom or lounge window open for short periods of time can also help with reducing humidity – whether you’re taking a shower, using a dryer or just relaxing.


Get some advice from our skilled, friendly team at Awarua Synergy to find the best option for you. For more information or to get a free, no obligation quote – call 0800 WARM

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